Saturday 22 May 2010

week 18

In this week I did my presentation about Global warming, I tried to do my best, and I think I did well, because Mr. Paul didn’t say anything.

I started my presentation by asking the pros and cons of the development. Then I talked about what Global warming is by showing the definition and how it is happen. After that, I talked about the reasons of the global warming. Then, I talked about the results which effect on people and the environment. After that, I gave some individually solutions and organizations solutions. Finally, I said my best solution depended on my opinion, and I believed planting trees is the best solution. I think I did well, because he didn’t say anything except that he said “Hamza you explain everything”, and I think that’s mean I did well.

In conclusion, this course taught how to do a presentation. In my opinion, this course is very useful for all students, because in the future, the students able to do presentations in their work.

Saturday 15 May 2010

week 17

This week some of my classmates “Fahad Al Zaabi, Eid Jumaa and Madhad Al Bloshi” did the presentation about the environment. Madhad was the first one. After that, Fahad did his presentation, and I think he did well, and the last one Eid who did a presentation about Global warming. After that, Mr. Paul asked from them to write a summary about another student presentation. I chose to do my presentation next week to include everything without any mistakes, because in the last presentation I did it simple, and I got 70

week 16

in week 16 we didn't do anything because we had English exam.

Saturday 8 May 2010

week 15

In week 15 the rest of my classmates did the presentation. One of them Mohammed Al Hammadi who did a presentation about Linux

Mohamed started his presentation by asking a question about Linux. Then he introduced the main points. First I will write about what I found it great. Mohamed language and grammar were good, and he talked not fast or slow, but he balanced, and that gave him chances to choose his words. Changing slides was very nice. He used animation to move from slide to another, and that gave him some points. Classmates asked him some questions, and he answered them but not very well, so I think I will give him C in this section. Finally, putting highlight on the important words, it’s a good point.
Turn to what I found it bad. The color on his pages was very dark, and they were not balanced. The points on his pages were written in small size, that’s make it difficult to read for whom set in the back. Also points were not balanced; there were a space between them, also some points had a space in the second line. There were many spaces in the pages he didn’t use them. The big mistake when a student asked him why users don’t use Linux, although it is free, and he didn’t answered.

In my opinion, I think Mohamed did well, but he didn’t work hard. I wish he will do the best in the next presentation.

Saturday 1 May 2010

week 14

This week I did my presentation about Microsoft Windows. I did my best but the wind comes although the ship didn’t want it.

I started my presentation by asking some question about Microsoft Windows to attract the attention. Then, I talked about the history of Microsoft Windows, and I reported the main versions. After that, I talked about windows 7 and I did a comparison between windows 7 and windows vista. Then, I talked about the future of Microsoft Windows and how it is influenced on IT. Actually I tried to do it simple. Turn to how Mr. Paul evaluated my presentation, he said my design was OK but there were some spaces I should fill them, my grammar was weak, I couldn’t answer the questions, and in conclusion he didn’t know what Microsoft Windows is

In summary, I think Mr. Paul was right, and he gave me 70 on my presentation, also I think he gave this low mark to make me ready for the next presentation.

Saturday 24 April 2010

week 13

This week was the first week to do the presentation. Three of my classmates “Eid Jumaa, Mohammed Abu Bakker and Madhad Al Bloshi” did the presentation. I thought it will better if I will do my presentation next week

Eid’s presentation was not very good, I think because he didn’t train. His presentation background was dark so that may be affected in his grade. Turn to Mohammed. Actually, Mohammed did well except he couldn’t answer some question like what is virus. After that, Madhad did his presentation. Overall, although he did well, he asked to do it again next week.

In conclusion, I think any presentation needs some courage. I am ready to do my presentation next week.

Sunday 18 April 2010

week 12

In week 12 I took a regular class, we opened the book and did some exercises about brainstorming wich meens writing many topics and details as you can think about something.

First, I choosed a destination for my dream vacation. By using a simple map which included the destinnation, the type of vacation, the accommodations, summary of what the vacation includes, the activities, who would enjoy it and the cost and lengrh of stay. My dream vacation is visiting Andalusia, exactly Spain. It located in southernwestof Europe, next Portugal, under France. The type of vacation is a tourism vacation. I will wander around two cities Madrid and Seville, and I will stay in hotels. The vaction includes visiting historical places, visiting stadiums. I will do many things such as visiting mosque of Cordova, Umayyad Palaces and I hope I will watch the final match of Champions cup. Actually, people who intersting on historical places and prople who intersting on football, except Mr. Paul who think that football for women, they will enjoy in this vacation. I think this vacation will cost 20000 Dhs for 2 weeks.

In conclusion, this week was very tall, because it came after Independent week, and I got more information about brainstorming.

Sunday 4 April 2010

week 11

This is the Independent week. Some students think that this week is a short vacation to take some rest from the college, but the truth is the administrator put this week in the course for completing projects and college’s work, so I will try to finish my projects and presentation about IT in LSEC N101 course. Actually, my presentation is about Microsoft Windows, and I will try to do my best by explain everything briefly.

Thursday 1 April 2010

week 10

in week 10 I took regular class. we opened the book and did some exercises. After that, Mr. Paul told us to be ready in week 12 for presentation.

we spent this week in regular exercise about vacations. We took listening exercise described the vacations. Then, Mr. Paul asked from everybody to ask another colleague about his dream vacation. I asked my friend Mohamed Al Hammadi some questions about his dream vacation. He liked traveling to see new places and traditionals. He prefered to be active when he is on vacation. Finally, he told me that he wants to go to Egypt.

In summary, this week I think it was very boring. I don't know what is the desire of this excercises, may be to learn how to do brainstorming fasrer.

Thursday 25 March 2010

week 9

In week 9 we did regular meeting about mixed gender in one class in HCT. All class division, group work, sport activities, religious beliefs, attendance, transportations, entrance and exits, parking and security were discussed.

We started with class division. My opinion was “we can try to put male students to the right side of the class and female students to the left and in the end of the semester we check students results and if it was bad we change the class division in the second semester to females in the back and male students in front of the class”. After that, we talked about sport activities and I said “females should play indoors and males can play outdoors”. Then we turned to group work. I disagree with mixing male and female students together. After that, we discussed parking and security. I was disagree about what Abdulla said, and my opinion was “I disagree with Abdulla I think it’s better if the college separate the parking in two different sides and provide females security for safe”. Then, we talked about transportation, entrance and exits, and I said “college must provide buses for females”. After that, we turned to attendance. I said “college must call to parents if females late for more than 20 minutes”. Finally, we discussed religious beliefs and I said “Islam bands any communication between males and females if there is no reason”.

The meeting end at 11:35 am. We set the next meeting in the next week.

Sunday 21 March 2010

week 8

week 8: in week 8 we didn't do anything because we had English exam.

Saturday 13 March 2010

week 7

Week 7: in week 7 we did the meeting but it was bad, so we asked Mr. Paul for another chance and he accepted our asked.

Our meeting is about mixed gender in one class. Our team includes Maadhad “leader”, Abdulla Faisal, Mohamed Abdelsattar and I am. First our leader took the attendance. Then, he started to explain what we would talk about. After that, we talked about the problems that would make some concerns to students’ families such as males and females work together, sport activities and how the class will divide. Then, we talked about some solutions the college can do it such as putting cameras and security gaurds.

In conclusion, Mr. Paul said that the meeting was very weak and there were many mistakes. Actually, I felt there was no communication between the main points, also I felt it was very boring.

Saturday 6 March 2010

week 6

Week 6: in week 6 Mr. Paul taught us how to show survey results in percentages or graphs. Also he placed students in groups for meeting the next week.

In this week we started doing exercises about survey. First, we took listing exercises about how to spread people in the topics, for example the number of people and gender in news preferences. Then, we took another exercise about how can you transfer the survey in percentage in the report. On Tuesday, Mr. Paul reminded us about the meeting and we must work hard because the time is very quickly.

In summary, I think the exercises about survey are very useful, because in the future I will do presentation and maybe I will do survey.

Saturday 27 February 2010

week 5

This week I talked about my values and motto in presentation.
First I presented myself. After that I started talking about my value which is “I always trying to act with people carefully because they will act same as I acting”. Then, I talked about my motto and what my motto means. My motto is “live your life such as a passenger and catch the chances”. Which mean conditions take you where they are want but you must seize the opportunities. After that I talked about my experience with my motto which is the story in the Yemen. Finally, I ended my presentation, but Mr. Paul had some notes about my presentation, and they were useful for me.

Saturday 20 February 2010

week 4

This semester, I will study how to do presentation. However, during the last two weeks. I studied the basics of how to do a presentation which include choosing a presentation topic, brainstorm, write an outline, making presentation notes and practicing. However, I studied brainstorm more than the other and I wrote and talked about my motto and motto’s experience.

Brainstorm is writing many topics and details as you can think about something, and I had some practice about it. Then, I wrote my motto which is live your life such as a passenger and catch the chances. Which mean conditions take you where they are want but you must seize the opportunities.

That is what I took during the last three weeks and next week I will study presentation notes.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

week 2

This week was to know each other. Mr. Paul asked from us to ask your colleague some questions about him in five minutes. Then, talk about him in the class. I interviewed Abdullah Faisal who like Man United club, also he like iPhone and he can live without it. Then, I found out why he liked iPhone. He liked it because he can download many games and programs that let him use this phone like a computer.

Saturday 30 January 2010

week 1

This is the first week in this course. This course “LSEC N101” is about how to do presentation. Our teacher Mr. Paul Grant explained to us what we will do in this course. First we are going to do a meeting about one subject respect to college. Then, we will do a presentation about IT subject and write a summary about another student’s presentation. After that, we will do another presentation about environment problem and write a summary, also this course includes vocabulary quizzes, write 50 words and write weekly log.